Entry card

A new chapter begins - our congratulatory card for moving in

Create an unforgettable welcome. Our moving cards are designed with love and are guaranteed to leave a lasting impression. Whether you are looking for a cheerful, elegant or personal card, we have the right moving card that will touch the heart of the new homeowners. Why our moving cards? Diverse designs: Choose from a variety of designs that perfectly match the taste of the new homeowners - from cheerful to elegant to personal. Special attention: Each card is carefully designed to convey your congratulations in a stylish way and create an unforgettable moment. Warm welcome: Our moving cards are ideal for expressing your joy at the new phase of the homeowners' lives and wishing them all the best for the future. Show your excitement and give the new homeowners a warm welcome to their new home. Our magical moving cards will help you make this important moment unforgettable. Browse our collection of moving cards and find the perfect card to convey your congratulations in a special way. Order today and give the new homeowners a warm welcome.

Welcome to the new home

Congratulations on the new home! Celebrate the beginning of an exciting chapter with your friends and our unique housewarming card. Embark on a new chapter in the life of family and friends in style. Moving into a new home is an exciting milestone in life. It's a step into a new environment, a new neighborhood, and a new community. Our lovingly designed cards invite you to share this joy and give your friends, family or neighbors a warm welcome. With our cards you can not only send congratulations, but also express your wishes for a happy and fulfilling time in your new home. Get our lovingly designed card now and let's celebrate the arrival of your loved ones together. Your new home is waiting for you.

Celebrate a new home

We understand that every move-in is unique, just like the people who experience it. Our diverse selection of housewarming cards offers a range of designs, from simple elegance to playful illustrations. Whether you are looking for a card with warm words or heartfelt pictures - you will find the card that best expresses your wishes with us. In addition, with a moving-in card, you can not only convey a welcome greeting, but also the feeling that moving into a new home is a reason to celebrate. Our cards are an invitation to enjoy this exciting change together. Your words become a bridge that connects the newcomer to their new surroundings and gives them the feeling of having arrived. Welcome someone and share the joy of moving in with our cards. Your gesture becomes a symbol of connection.

frequently asked Questions

What do I write on a moving-in card?

You can send hearty congratulations in a moving-in card. For example: Congratulations on your new home! May this chapter of your life be filled with joy, laughter and wonderful memories.

What do you give to your new home?

When moving into a new home, there are a variety of gift ideas that can be used to celebrate this special occasion. Here are some suggestions: Gift Card: A gift card from a home improvement store, hardware store, or popular online store allows new homeowners to choose for themselves something they need for their home. Plants or flowers: Green plants or bouquets of flowers can bring fresh energy and color into the new home. Kitchen Utensils: High-quality cooking utensils, pots, pans or kitchen tools are practical and useful gifts. Household appliances: Small household appliances such as coffee machines, toasters or blenders can make everyday life easier. Personalized Gifts: Personalized gifts such as engraved doorplates, welcome mats or picture frames with a photo of the new home can add a special touch. Art or Decoration: Beautiful works of art or decorative items can enhance the new home and add a personal touch. Handcrafted Gifts: A handcrafted welcome gift or handmade item that comes from the heart can add a personal touch. When choosing a gift, remember to consider the interests and needs of the new homeowners to find a gift that suits them and their new home.

What do you write when you move into a new house?

Eine Nachricht zum Einzug sollte herzlich und ermutigend sein und den neuen Hausbesitzern viel Glück und Freude wünschen. Hier sind einige Ideen für Formulierungen:

Herzliche Glückwünsche: "Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu eurem neuen Zuhause! Möge es ein Ort voller Freude, Liebe und wundervoller Erinnerungen werden. Ich wünsche euch alles Gute für diesen neuen Lebensabschnitt."

Wünsche für das neue Heim: "Viel Glück und Freude in eurem neuen Heim! Möge es ein Ort der Wärme und des Wohlbefindens sein, wo ihr viele schöne Momente erleben werdet. Willkommen in eurem neuen Zuhause!"

Persönliche Botschaft: "Es ist so aufregend zu sehen, wie ihr euer Traumhaus gefunden habt! Ich freue mich sehr für euch und hoffe, dass ihr euch schnell einlebt und viele glückliche Tage in eurem neuen Zuhause verbringen werdet."

Einladung zur Einweihung: "Wir freuen uns darauf, euer neues Heim bald zu besuchen und mit euch auf diesen neuen Abschnitt anzustoßen. Lasst uns gemeinsam feiern, wenn es euch passt!"

Positive Wünsche für die Zukunft: "Möge euer neues Zuhause von Glück, Liebe und Lachen erfüllt sein. Ich wünsche euch viele glückliche Jahre und unvergessliche Momente in eurem neuen Heim."

Beispiel für eine vollständige Nachricht:

"Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Einzug in euer neues Zuhause! Ich wünsche euch von Herzen, dass es ein Ort des Glücks und der Geborgenheit wird. Mögt ihr viele wundervolle Erinnerungen in euren neuen vier Wänden sammeln. Ich freue mich schon darauf, eure neue Wohnung zu sehen und mit euch zu feiern!"

Mit diesen Ideen kannst du eine herzliche und bedeutungsvolle Nachricht zum Einzug ins neue Haus formulieren, die den neuen Hausbesitzern zeigt, wie sehr du dich für sie freust.